One common misconception about the minimum payment: Credit card companies do little in the way of encouraging consumers to pay more than the minimum. The minimum payment is a small percentage of your balance, typically 2-3% and is about 90% interest and 10% balance. Paying only the minimum little to decrease your balance and the overall balance you pay interest on. A higher balance costs you more money in interest. Paying only the minimum prolongs the life of your debt-load.
Paying your minimum on time is certainly critical (timeliness is godliness in the world of credit cards). If you're a chronic late payer or you pay bills haphazardly (every two months was once my strategy), you risk penalties in higher interest rates that cost hundreds or thousands of dollars. Higher interest rates added to your balance can double or triple your minimum payments. Unpredictable minimum payments make it difficult to budget and save money and increase the difficulty to get out of debt.
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